'Since RAR archives are the most common compression format on the Web [..] there is a huge number of users who can benefit from the tool's efficiency..' (downloadroute.com)

You would like to write a press review? Then feel free to use the basic data provided in the Portable Application Description of RAR File Open Knife () as a starting point..

RAR File Open Knife Screenshot

RAR File Open Knife FAQ

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about RAR File Open Knife and RAR files:
Hi! I want to download RAR File Open Knife and I prefer to use large download sites like Brothersoft or download.com.Is RAR File Open Knife also available on download.com?
  1. Sure! Go ahead and download RAR File Open Knife at CNET.
Hi! I have downloaded RAR File Open Knife and installed it on my Windows PC, because I would like to unrar some archives that I have downloaded from the internet.How can I unrar a RAR-archive quickly with RAR File Open Knife?
  1. To unrar a file choose one of the three following methods:
  2. Drag 'n' drop the compressed file on the picture above the short instructions.
  3. Or: Right-click the RAR-archive and choose 'Extract!' in the context menu.
  4. Or: Double-click the RAR file.

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Hi! I've just read the instructions on how to use RAR File Open Knife. That still sounds somewhat complicated to me. I would like to watch a video.Is there a RAR File Open Knife example video?
  1. Yes, there is a short example video (no sound), that demonstrates all three methods described in the instructions.
  2. To watch the video, just click on the video link.
Hi! I've downloaded RAR File Open Knife a few seconds ago and already installed it successfully. Now I would like to unrar a simple example RAR archive to see if everything works.Is there an example rar file that I can use with RAR File Open Knife?
  1. Yes, there is a small example file.
  2. The file is as simple as possible: it is neither splitted nor password protected and it contains only one file.
Hi! I am having problems finding files after I have extracted them. The particular site I am downloading from has a password for each download. After downloading the files RAR File Open Knife automatically starts up and a small window asks me to enter the password. I enter the password and the loading bar along the bottom edge of the window runs from left to right, but
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where do I find the files I have extracted?
  1. By default the files are extracted to the default output folder (see next question).
Hi! I sometimes do have difficulties finding the extracted files, because I let RAR File Open Knife automatically unrar my downloads that my browser happens to put in weirdly named temporary directories.How can I define a default output folder?
  1. Go to the folder that contains RARKnife.exe (probably C:Program FilesRAR File Open Knife - Free Opener)
  2. Use notepad to create a text file named 'folder.txt'
  3. Just put one line in it with the path of the desired default output folder (e.g.: F:Media)
Hi! I have installed your program on my computer and decompressed several RAR files into a default output folder! Everything works properly (OK message is shown after the decompression process!), but the default output folder has still no files in it. What am I doing wrong?
  1. Have you already used the Windows search function to look for the files? Maybe the files were unpacked and located elsewhere?
  2. Perhaps there is a typo in the filename of the file that contains the default output folder (e.g. 'foldwr.txt' instead of 'folder.txt')? When there is a typo in the filename, the file is not found by the program and the files will be unpacked into the directory in which the RAR file is located in.
  3. Maybe the file 'folder.txt' is empty? If the file 'folder.txt' is empty, the files will be unpacked into the nothingness, there is an OK message ('OK -->'), followed by an error-sound signal, by which you can see that something went wrong. If you hear this sound signal, please either delete the empty file 'folder.txt' or enter a default output folder.
  4. Perhaps there is a typo in the default output folder string (e.g. 'F:Medieen' instead of 'F:Media')? In case of a typo in the path of the default output folder the default directory can not be found. There is an OK message (e.g. 'OK --> F:Medieen'), followed by an error-sound signal, by which you can see that something went wrong. If you hear this sound signal, please either delete the file 'folder.txt' or correct the typos in the default output folder string.
  5. Maybe the directory name contains Unicode characters (e.g. C:Wüste). Please select a output folder name without special characters.
  6. If you are not sure whether your RAR file is okay, download our test RAR file example.rar and try the above suggestions with this file.
Hi! I just downloaded and tried both 'RAR File Open Knife' and 'RarZilla Free Unrar', and when I try to extract my rar files the program will ask for the password which I entered exactly as the website from which I got the files said. But then your program will pop up the pdf file that should result, but shortly after both the pdf and your program will go away. Both Knife and RarZilla respond alike and I still have no sign of my pdf file.Why does my file disappear a few seconds after it showed up?
  1. I just tried to unrar those rar-files that you linked to and experienced the same program behaviour: the pdf file appears for a few moments and then disappears again. I also tried WinRAR - with the same result. Except that it gave an extra error-message, that said that there is a CRC-Error and that the rar-files are corrupted.
  2. So, in conclusion, if files appear and disappear: You have done nothing wrong. Knife and RarZilla have done nothing wrong. The rar-files simply are somewhat corrupted and therefore the extracted (but corrupt) file is deleted immediately and thus disappears. If you really need the file you should write to the webmaster and ask him to re-upload it..
Hi! I would like to play these RAR songs using my media player, but it does not work. Also, the RAR movies are not recognized. Perhaps because my laptop lacks a certain media codec?How can I play a RAR file directly?
  1. RAR files cannot be played directly, as they are compressed. You need to decompress the included media file. That file can then be played using winamp or a media player like media player classic.
  2. To decompress a RAR file start 'RAR File Open Knife' and drag'n'drop that file on the picture above the short instructions.
Hi! I installed your unrar tool on my notebook and I already unpacked some RAR archives. Today a little window was shown during unraring that asked me to enter a password. From whence does one get a password?
  1. You do not need a password to use RAR File Open Knife - except the compressed file is protected by a password, then RAR File Open Knife asks you to enter that password.
  2. If you do not have that password, you need to contact the person that gave the RAR file to you, because only this person knows the password for this specific file.
Hi! I'm using RAR File Open Knife and everything works fine. The website, that I download a lot of files from, protects all downloads with the same password. After a download is complete, I start RAR File Open Knife and a small password window is displayed. I always have to enter the same password. This is kind of getting on my nerves. How can I define a default password?
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  1. Go to the folder that contains RARKnife.exe (probably C:Program FilesRAR File Open Knife - Free Opener).
  2. Use notepad to create a text file named 'password.txt'.
  3. Just put one line in it with the default password (e.g.: p78.de).
Hi! A friend recommended RAR File Open Knife to me and it works very well. However, I often have to repeat the same password as I unpack many files, which are protected with the same password. I have already a text file with the password, so I can quickly copy & paste the password, but even so it would go faster if the password dialog directly read my text file and didn't show at all. How can I stop the password dialog from popping up at all?
  1. Go to the folder that contains RARKnife.exe (probably C:Program FilesRAR File Open Knife - Free Opener).
  2. Use notepad to create a text file named 'silent.txt'.
  3. Just put one line in it with your desired default password (e.g.: p78.de).
  4. BE CAREFUL: RAR File Open Knife now always tries to unrar password protected files with the password given in silent.txt without prompting. So, if you try to unrar files protected by a different password, it simply will not work until you delete silent.txt or change the password in it.
Hi! I just downloaded RAR File Open Knife and I want to try the unrar function for password protected RAR archives. Is there somewhere a password protected test RAR archive?
  1. Yes, there is a small password protected example rar file named example_password_protected.rar (password: 'example').
  2. The file is as simple as possible: it is not splitted and it contains only one file.
Hi! I have used the unrar tool for some time and it has always worked well. Today, however, I tried to open a RAR file, but it was not unpacked. The file extension was somewhat different than that of previous RAR files. This ended in '.part2.rar'. How can I unpack a '.part2.rar' RAR file?
  1. A '.part2.rar' RAR file is a part of a splitted RAR file which you can not unpack without the other parts. Splitted RAR archives will be used if the space on the medium is limited. If so, e.g., a large 700MB RAR archive is splitted into some 100MB parts and uploaded at different hosters. The seven parts are then put back together after the parts have been downloaded.
  2. You need to download all parts of such splitted archives to be able to begin with the unraring process, so go and get all the RAR files with the extensions '.part2.rar, .part1.rar' etc. Depending on how many parts have been generated, there may be a few or a few hundred of these '.partXYZ.rar'-type files.
  3. If you have downloaded all files needed, e.g., all seven '.part1-7.rar' RAR files, and placed them in the same directory, it is sufficient to double-click the file with the extension '.part1.rar' to start the unrar process. All other files, e.g., the '.part5.rar' RAR file, will automatically be found and unpacked.
  4. Done! Congratulations! :-) You have just unpacked your first splitted RAR archive.
Hi! I'm using RAR File Open Knife to try to open the first part of a 17 part RAR download. I see a (temporary?) 531MB file with the extension .ISO when it is working but it disappears when RAR File Open Knife is finished, and it asks me to enter info for the Next Archive? I was wondering maybe I need to download all of the files I wanted, all 17, before I start to open them?
  1. Yes! The 17 '.part1-17.rar' RAR files together form a splitted RAR archive, which you can not extract partially. Splitted RAR archives are usually used if the space on the medium is limited. If so e.g. a large 531MB RAR archive as a download and there are only a few MB of webspace at different hosters available, one creates a splitted archive, consisting of 17 parts, that is put back together after the download.
  2. If you have downloaded all files needed, i.e., all 17 '.part1-17.rar' RAR files, and placed them in the same directory, it is sufficient to double-click the file with the extension '.part1.rar' to start the unrar process. All other files, e.g., the '.part2.rar' RAR file, will automatically be found and unpacked.
  3. If not all the necessary files are in the same directory, RAR File Open Knife asks in a dialog for the next file, but it is recommended to put all the RAR files in the same directory to speed up the unpacking process.
Hi! A while ago I downloaded RAR File Open Knife and I would like to test the extraction of a splitted archive ('.part1.rar', '.part2.rar' etc.) with a simple example file. Is there a simple splitted test RAR archive that I can use with RAR File Open Knife?
  1. Yes, there is a small splitted example rar file that consists of three parts: example_splitted_archive.part1.rar, example_splitted_archive.part2.rar and example_splitted_archive.part3.rar.
  2. The file is as simple as possible: it is splitted, but not password protected and it contains only one file.
  3. If not all the necessary files are in the same directory, RAR File Open Knife asks in a dialog for the next file, but it is recommended to put all the RAR files in the same directory to speed up the unpacking process.
Hi! I just downloaded your rar file converter, and dropped a file in, then the following message comes up: 'Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 01034F21 in Modul 'unrar.dll'. Schreiben von Adresse 000036B4.' I have no idea what its saying.What does that Zugriffsverletzung-message say?
  1. It says that your RAR-file killed the unrar DLL.
  2. Maybe your file is defect or corrupted or there is not enough memory or diskspace.
Hi! I would like to put some files on my website that I want to compress using the RAR algorithm.How can I create RAR files with RAR File Open Knife?
  1. RAR File Open Knife is unfortunately not allowed to offer a function to create RAR archives, because the inventor of the algorithm does not license it.
  2. The only program on the planet that can create RAR archives is WinRAR.
Hi! I am an administrator and I would like to install RAR File Open Knife on several PCs quickly using a silent installation mode.Is there a command line parameter for an unattended/silent installation?
  1. Yes! The RAR File Open Knife installer recognizes '/S' for silent installation, '/NCRC' to suppress the CRC verification step, and '/D=dir' to specify the output directory, which is where the program will be installed.
  2. These options are case-sensitive, so be sure to type them in upper case.
  3. If you use silent installation, RAR File Open Knife is installed with the components from the 'Recommended' installation type.
Hi! I downloaded the rar file extractor, and dropped a rar file in and it unpacked it perfectly. Now I don't need the unpacker anymore.How can I uninstall RAR File Open Knife?
  1. First of all: Close all open RAR File Open Knife windows.
  2. From the 'Start' menu in Windows, select 'Control Panel'.
  3. Then select 'Add/Remove Programs' (Windows 9x/ME/2k/XP) or under the 'Programs' icon, select 'Uninstall a program' (Windows Vista/7).
  4. Select the program named 'RAR File Open Knife'.
  5. Click 'Remove' (Windows 9x/ME/2k/XP) or click 'Uninstall' and then 'Continue' (Windows Vista/7) to remove RAR File Open Knife.
  6. Now follow the instructions given by the Uninstaller.

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Hi! I have downloaded RAR File Open Knife and installed it on my Laptop. Everything works like I want it to. Today I bought an usb flash drive and I would like to put RAR File Open Knife on it.How can I put RAR File Open Knife on my USB flash drive?
  1. That's impossible, but you can download the portable version of RarZilla called RarZille Free Unrar Portable!
  2. Just extract all files and 'RarZilla Free Unrar Portable' is ready to be used. You can place it on your USB flash drive and use it on any computer, without leaving any personal information behind.
Hi! I've seen warez pages on the internet that offer several cracks, patches, serials, keygens etc. for RAR File Open Knife. I don't understand that: RAR File Open Knife is basicly already complete and free, right? Do I need a crack, serial or keygen for RAR File Open Knife?
  1. No, you don't need any CrackZ, KeygenZ or SerialZ in order to be able to use RAR File Open Knife! RAR File Open Knife is already 100% free and activated (see next question also).
  2. That is why you should be really careful with stuff like that. I would rather stay away from people that offer cracks, keygens etc. that are not at all neccessary..
Hi! I have downloaded WinRAR a while ago to unrar some RAR archives. However, the trial period of WinRAR has expired and I don't want to pay 35 Euro for it, since I only need to unrar files from time to time. Today I stumbled upon RAR File Open Knife which offers exactly what I need.Is RAR File Open Knife cheaper than WinRAR? What does RAR File Open Knife cost?
  1. RAR File Open Knife is 100% cheaper than WinRAR, because RAR File Open Knife is free.
  2. Again: RAR File Open Knife costs nothing, nada, it is absolutely free. Freeware. :-)
  3. Note: If you insist on sending some gratitude money, that's okay. Feel free to do that (see next question). ;-)
Hi! I have installed RAR File Open Knife a few month ago on my laptop and everything works just brilliantly. Thanks a lot!How can I donate or otherwise show my appreciation?
  1. I developped RAR File Open Knife with a lot of excitement and joy. You can show your appreciation by, e.g., blogging about RAR File Open Knife, linking to RAR File Open Knife, recommending it to your friends.. Or you might want to compose a RAR File Open Knife song and post it on YouTube!? ;-)
  2. Or: You can make a donation in the amount of your choice here.
Hi! Okay, I've read every solution in this FAQ, experimented with the example files and still, however, I have something that I want to ask.How can I contact the RAR File Open Knife support?
  1. First of all: This is a free program and I'm just one, so there is no way to provide free support for all. Ask a friend!
  2. If you still want to email, email me. Maybe I'll answer. ;-)

RAR File Open Portable with RarZilla

RarZilla Free Unrar Portable 2.55
Tool, Freeware, Windows
ExtractRarZillaPortable.exe, 0.6MB

Optimized RarZilla-Version for mobile purposes: 'RarZilla Free Unrar Portable' is smaller, optimized for mobile use - e.g. on an USB-Stick - and comes without setup routine.

Just extract all files and 'RarZilla Free Unrar Portable' is ready to be used. You can place it on your USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive or a CD and use it on any computer, without leaving any personal information behind.

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